Sorting Files

Javinizer's primary function is to sort your local JAV media files into an ordered format to use within a media library. It is likely that you will want to read the settings documentation to make changes before sorting. The commandline parameters are as follows:

Javinizer [[-Path] <String>] [[-DestinationPath] <String>] [-Recurse] 
[-Depth <Int32>] [-Url <Array>] [-SettingsPath <FileInfo>] [-Strict] 
[-MoveToFolder <Boolean>] [-RenameFile <Boolean>] [-Force] [-HideProgress]
[-Update] [-IsThread] [-Set <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]

Sorting a path of files

This will most likely be your go-to command when running Javinizer. This utilizes the -Path, -DestinationPath, and optionally the -Recurse command.

Use settings locations

By default, Javinizer will assign the -Path and -DestinationPath via your settings.

  • Path -> location.input

  • Destination Path -> location.output


Use command-line locations

If -DestinationPath is not assigned via the command-line or the location.output setting, then it will automatically be assigned to the same location as your -Path.

  • Path -> C:\JAV\Unsorted

  • Destination Path -> C:\JAV\Unsorted

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Unsorted'

Otherwise, you can just set both -Path and -DestinationPath on the command-line.

  • Path -> C:\JAV\Unsorted

  • Destination Path -> C:\JAV\Sorted

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Unsorted' -DestinationPath 'C:\JAV\Sorted'

Movies not being matched

Using direct URLs

If for whatever reason Javinizer is unable to find a movie via the ID on a scraper, you can use the URLs the sort the file. The URLs will need to be defined as an array. The -Path needs to be the direct path to the file, not a directory.

Use URLs in a single command

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Unsorted\ABP-420.mp4' -Url '', ''

Use URLs in a separate variable

$Urls = @('', '')
Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Unsorted\ABP-420.mp4' -Url $Urls

Using -Strict

If a file is not being matched, it may be because the default filematcher is incorrectly matching your filename to the scraper source ID. View the documentation in the File Matching article to see how the -Strict parameter can be used to directly match the filename as the ID.

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Unsorted' -Strict

Updating already-sorted files

If you want to update metadata for already-sorted files, you can use the -Update parameter. The -Update parameter will not move any of your movie files, and only replace the .nfo metadata file by default.

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Sorted' -Recurse -Update

Using -Force

Using the -Force parameter will also replace all image files.

Javinizer -Path 'C:\JAV\Sorted' -Recurse -Update -Force

Last updated